The pieces have just started to be picked up from the terrible Oklahoma tornados and now we’re starting to prepare for hurricane season. Who could forget the havoc Superstorm Sandy caused last year and Hurricane Irene the previous year? The predictions are out and it looks like we’re in for a bumpy ride this season.
The Wedding Protector Plan® is urging brides and grooms to consider insuring their investment and deposits when planning begins for their upcoming wedding. The wedding and private event insurance provides coverage for many problems including severe weather that may be avoided if insured properly.
We’ve compiled a few links and resources that can come in handy especially for agents selling wedding and private event insurance. As always, if your clients have private events or weddings along any of the coast lines, be sure to suggest your clients insure BEFORE the storm starts brewing!
You can find more information by visiting AgentHQ Personal Lines. If you’re new to the idea of wedding insurance or a bit rusty with how the coverage works, the Wedding Protector Plan® and Travelers have put together a short tutorial just for you! View it now!
Kind Regards,
The Wedding Protector Plan®