Is Your Classic Auto Insurance Policy Up to Snuff?
Every day of the week you get in your car and drive to and from work in a car that is very similar to other cars. But it’s different on the weekend. That is when you open that far right garage door and take your 1937 classic car out for a road trip. Friends and family drop by because they love those road trips with you, riding in the rumble seat with the top down.
But have you looked at your auto insurance policy lately? Are you adequately covered for this special car? We’d like to encourage you to evaluate your insurance and think about these things:
- While most cars depreciate with age and you need less insurance for collision coverage, your classic car often appreciates in value. So, make sure that your policy offers enough coverage for specialized parts and mechanic work on your car.
- Liability insurance is needed for all cars. That isn’t even a question. However, your classic car probably doesn’t have all the safety items we have now, such as air bags. So, think about your liability coverage and ask yourself if you have enough coverage. At the same time, it’s a good idea to get that umbrella liability policy to extend your vehicle liability coverage.
- Towing coverage would be a great idea for your classic car. Let’s face it, your car is old. That means it has a greater chance of breaking down. So, include towing insurance to give you and your passengers peace of mind.
- While you are analyzing your insurance, think about how and when you store your car. Ask your independent insurance agent if there are conditions on the storage, such as needing to be stored in a private, enclosed structure.
Purchasing a specialized classic car insurance policy is your best bet when it comes to protecting your prized vehicle. Call your agent to get started today.
Get specialized coverage for your unique vehicle. Call G & H Financial Insurance Services at (281) 395-5497 for more information on Katy antique car insurance.
Tags: antique car insurance, appreciation, classic auto, Katy, liability, Texas, towing