Is Your Brewery Prepared for an OSHA Inspection?
Best Management Practice for Surviving an OSHA Inspection
Provided by the Brewers Association
The purpose of this document is to provide a helpful, consistent guideline for Brewers Association (BA) brewery members to use when developing safety programs and policies for their breweries that comply with OSHA standards.
The recommendations herein are based on the experiences and expertise of BA Safety Subcommittee (SSC) members, contributing BA members, best practices utilized in trades with hazards similar to those found in breweries, and other resources including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), trade journals and safety professionals.
Employers and employees must work together to assure a safe workplace. Employers need to perform workplace hazard assessments in order to determine necessary protective clothing, adequate engineering controls, and safe work practices as well as provide training and equipment. Employees have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a safe manner according to the equipment and training they have received.
OSHA Inspection Toolbox
This Best Management Practice (BMP) is not itself a regulation, but is designed to lead breweries towards the development of their own standard operating procedures (SOPs).
The safety subcommittee and the Brewers Association believe the recommendations in this BMP are appropriate and essential for protecting the health and safety of the craft beer industry’s hardworking, dedicated employees. Working in a craft brewery presents many inherent dangers and should not be taken lightly. Proper management of hazards in the brewery can prevent serious injury or death.
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