Daycare Insurance
Daycare insurance also referred to as childcare insurance, requires specialized business insurance that addresses the specific needs of those in the business of caring for children. But daycare insurance isn’t just about compliance; it’s also about protecting your finances from the cost of lawsuits and property damages while showing parents just how seriously you take the care of their children.
We offer the industries best daycare insurance package that is uniquely designed to fulfill a wide range of special insurance needs for non-profit and for-profit businesses with the following types of operations:
- Day Care Centers
- Child Care Centers
- Preschool Programs
- School-Aged Child Care
- Vacation and Summer Child Care Programs
Important Industry Coverages Offered:
- Professional Liability including teachers’ acts or omissions as a child care centers provider
- General Liability
- Abuse and Molestation Liability
- Building and Contents Coverage
- Business Interruption Coverage
- Outdoor Equipment Coverage
- Umbrella Liability
- Business Auto Coverage includes buses, passenger vans, and private passenger vehicles
- Participant Accident Coverage
- Workers’ Compensation
At G & H Financial Insurance we want to make sure your business can operate smoothly without interruption which is why we work with our carrier’s to provide you helpful risk management programs. Contact us for details on how we can help you with your business insurance at 281-395-5497 or submit a request to have an agent contact you.